Saturday, December 6, 2008

CHRISTmas caroling...

our good friend karla decided to put together a quick caroling party... kinda last minute, but it turned out to be just what we all needed... my buddy david led the singing while my other buddy jeremy led security... while my other buddy neil provided us the hot chocolate...(it was de-lish)
ethan was able to show his willingness to be a servant by ministering to an elderly lady even though it made him a little uncomfortable... she stood really close to him while we sang and yet he didnt want to hurt her feelings so he stayed put... we were so proud of him... cole also was adorable...

13 kids... 8 adults... 15 CHRISTmas chorus books... 1 great night...

my wife looked so beautiful... and sounded like an angel...


Anonymous said...

and also:
1 yellow dog with jingle bell collar
17 Gospel tracts delivered (including two to the governor's guards), and almost
70 Christmas cookies consumed.

It was more fun than I imagined it would be!

Kristina said...

Good for you guys! I wish more people still did caroling (not me---you remember I can't sing a darn note!)