Sunday, December 2, 2007


Here in Washington State, we wait all year long for the possibility . . . the chance . . . of SNOW!!! Yesterday, we got just a taste of the white stuff. Literally, as it lasted just long enough for the kids to step outside and catch some on their tongues before it turned to . . . rain, rain and more rain! Then later in the evening, when we were all sitting in the family room watching The Polar Express together, Mark looked out the window and just as the train in the movie arrived at the North Pole . . . more snow here! Again, it lasted for only a few minutes, but the timing was perfect and we enjoyed the little bit we got!
Being from North Dakota originally, I never thought a day would come when I would get so excited about a few minutes of snow, but after being away from it for the last 15 years, it's now a rare treat rather than something to endure for 4 months of the year :-)

1 comment:

The Aldridge's said...

You guys too!?! I posted on the same topic earlier today.