Monday, December 17, 2007

Did You Forget Something?

As you may remember from an older post, Ethan has the job of crossing guard at the kids' school. Because of this, we have to have him at school about a half an hour before school starts every morning. So, during this time Ethan mans the crosswalk, Noah hangs out with his buddies, Abby and I have our special reading time together . . . and Cole is not always so happy to be a bit left out of things for a bit. So, last Thursday he began to give me a bit of attitude and his notorious "stink eye" face. I told him that he was being disrespectful to me and needed to change his attitude or he would have to have a spanking when we got home. He continued with the grumpy heart and so I told him that he would now have to have a spanking when we got home. He then, of course, shaped right up (why do kids do that??) and Abby and I continued our reading time. Well . . . by the time we got home almost 40 minutes later, I had honestly forgotten that he was supposed to have a spanking . . . until . . .

Cole: Mama, did you forget something?

Me: Well, I'm sure I did! I forget something pretty much every day. But I don't know what it is! What did I forget?

Cole: Mmmm, maybe something that starts with an S . . . like a ssssandwich . . . or a ssspanking . . .

Me (trying not to laugh or look too astounded that my 4-year-old is reminding me to spank him!!): Oh, that's right, Cole! Let's go into the bathroom and have your spanking, and talk about why you have to have one.

Cole: OK, Mama.

And so we then had a talk, and a spanking, and a hug . . . . and a sandwich for lunch.


The Aldridge's said...

We HAVE to get Cole and Tom together soon. Tom is the same way. Recently when putting him in bed, he has been getting up and opening the door, turning on the light, whatever. When you tell him if we come up there he is going to get a spanking, he says, "OK."

SchwartzCats said...

great stuff... way to go! :)

Dana said...

what an amazing little guy =). i liked that he gave you a couple of "s" options....very smart if you ask me!

brase yourself said...

I love this story. Was hoping you'd post it.