Friday, December 7, 2007

It's Good to be Prepared

Tomorrow afternoon Abby and I (Gwen in case you couldn't tell by the use of the shift key) are going to see The Nutcracker with two of Abby's friends and their moms. Abby has never seen The Nutcracker before (neither have I for that matter), so I got a DVD of it from our library so that she could watch it and have some idea of the story line, in hopes that this would make the "real thing" more enjoyable.

So . . . . we're watching and everything is going great. She's loving it. Then, suddenly, she YELLS, "Mom!!!!!! The men don't have any pants on!!!!!!" I tried to explain that male ballet dancers wear tights (instead of pants!) when they dance. She absolutely could not figure out why in the world they would do this!

My hope, though, is that she is now prepared and won't yell the same thing at the performance tomorrow!

I'll let you know how it goes.


Dana said...

Have fun you guys!! I can't wait until Ivana is old enough to enjoy The Nutcracker. I hope you post some pictures!

The Aldridge's said...

Kids say the funniest things don't they?!? Have a great time!

P & C

brase yourself said...

Still waiting to see how it went. Guess you're pulling a Brase and not writing?

Anonymous said...

OK, Brases, I'm on it!!! :-)