Thursday, November 8, 2007

i would go to a church like this...

1,372 seats... looks about 70% full...(typical)( i know alot of pastors that would like that pew count...)( is that darth vader in the 7th row?)
3,976 windows... lots of natural light...7 feet by 5 and 1/2 feet by 30inches in size...

75,000 + legos... lets just say my boys are officially jealous... after looking at this my boys wanted to know... "when do we start...?)


brase yourself said...

From the last photo I'd say 40% full...70% would be a pastors estimation...and I believe that was Darth Vader in the 7th row. Ahhh...Legos and the Crystal Cathedral...two fine institutions. The nice thing about a Lego's church is that no one would talk back to you. Where'd you see this?

the millers said...

i would estimate from the top photos that 70%... the bottom one that looks 40% is after the preaching

The Fears said...

too many people in the front rows ha ha

the millers said...

i see you and us in the second row... and there, in the back.... the way, way back i see the brases...

The Aldridge's said...

That's a lot of legos. Tom looked at the pictures and exclaimed, "WHAT'S THAT!"

the millers said...

pat...take him to church once in a while and maybe he would know what that was...

Dana said...

all i know is that all of your comments are really funny!

Rachel said...

That is absolutely AMAZING! They actually have short videos of legos doing dances etc. and I just can't believe the creative things people come up with! SO, where was this CHURCH?!?

the millers said...

staples... i try to entertain... my wife has the substance... just kidden... we are having so much fun with this blog thing... thank you again for getting us started...

rachel and michael...ive seen the videos of them dancing and they are pretty funny... they have some cool stuff at lego .com also... the church is suppose to be the crystal cathedral in california... i got the pictures through an e-mail from grandma in north dakota... great hearing from you guys...

P-D's said...

Sorry guys but we just are not seeing Darth Vader. I think you have a little too much Star Wars on the brain. Don't tell Tyler but I found him a Darth Vader nutcracker for his collection.

The Aldridge's said...

Just to clarify (smart guy) Tom loves going to church almost as much as I do. (Although he does a lot more "playing" at church than I do. IN THE NURSERY!)

the millers said...

ok... ok... i bet you all love going to church... but... who plays more while you are there?... thats debatable...