Saturday, November 10, 2007

Behind The Clouds

If you ask any 3-year-old boy what his favorite movie is, you'd probably hear many of them say, "Cars!" Cole is no exception. He loves everything Lightning McQueen. Lately in the car we have started to listen to the Cars soundtrack, and his favorite song is "Behind The Clouds," by Brad Paisley. Here's his rendition for your listening pleasure . . . . .

When it starts to rain (these words aren't actually part of the chorus of the song, but Cole absolutely insists that they are) behind the clouds, the sun is shining . . . . believe me even though you can't quite make it out . . . . you may not see the silver lining . . . . but there's a big blue sky waiting right behind the clouds.

I know that these lyrics aren't necessarily "Christian" in nature, but they are a great reminder to me every time Cole sings them (which is many, many, many times a day!) that even on those days when I don't necessarily see or even feel God's love, I still KNOW He's there . . . waiting for me.


P-D's said...

Great job singing Cole! I still have not seen that movie yet. Maybe your mom and dad could go somewhere and I could come over and babysit you and we could watch the movie!

the millers said...

auntie holly... cole says he will kick us to the curb anytime you make it down here to hang with him... you gotta see this movie...

Mike said...

That was cute! Loved it! Better than most "christian" songs anyway!

the millers said...

im just glad he got gwens voice... and smile... and looks... and temperament...and, most importantly, he loves jesus... im a blessed dad...