Monday, November 19, 2007

dinner conversations...

so... tonight at dinner we had our usual conversations... ones we have had HUNDREDS of times... and many of the responses to the many questions asked were typical... one that we enjoy asking is what our 3 school going children did at recess... this was my favorite subject in school and their many stories of their time with their friends amuses us and makes for alot of laughs... so tonight we asked the question and these were the responses...

mom: what did ya do at recess today?

noah: you know mom... ive started to play basketball (instead of soccer) and now ALL the kids are playing basketball...

mom: ethan... how about you?

ethan: well...(pause) at first recess me, hector, and michael tried to pull this weed thing out of the ground... we tried the whole time but couldnt get it out...then at second recess we just walked around... i asked hector if he had ever heard of Jesus... he said no... so i told him all about him...

at this point i almost choked on the large chunk of bread in my mouth and i felt this feeling of pride in my son unlike ever before... i didnt know whether to cry or cheer or clap or hug him...

ethan continued: i told him all about Jesus and i could tell he was really listening...

at this point i started to clap and cheer and we spent the next few minutes talking about sharing our faith...

after dinner ethan told me that hector said his parents didnt believe in Jesus.... hector had been to church once when he was 4 or something... but ethan thinks hector either" believes now or is very close to believing"... ethan also told hector that its ok for him to believe in Jesus even if his parents dont... because he needs to...

i pray that we, as a family have this same conversation HUNDREDS of times in the coming years...our 3 oldest have all had the opportunity to share Jesus with their friends with boldness that can only come from God...

thank you Father... thank you for your son, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you that you choose to use us to tell others about you... and thank you for ethan and his example to me...


grandma & grandpa from North Dakota said...

Dear Ethan,

Wow! We are so proud of you for the way you told Hector about Jesus. God is using you as His special messenger and you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.

We love you - Grandma & Grandpa from North Dakota

The Aldridge's said...

WAY TO GO, E.P.!!!!!!

Dana said...

That is so awesome Ethan! I bet Jesus was clapping and cheering you on too right as you shared. Thank you for encouraging us all to be bold like that!

Rachel said...

Those are the moments that make parenting not only worth it, but a blessing. To know that we are passing down, to our children, a life of faith, to share with others is amazing...God bless Ethan and you guys as parents for instilling that in that precious little guy :)

brase yourself said...

Praise God for Ethan's boldness. Jedi and I just prayed for Ethan and Hector. JB

P-D's said...

Way to go Ethan! I am so proud of you! I will be praying for Hector!
Auntie Holly

Lylah Ledner said...

wow...gwen...that made me cry :-)

oh...happy thanksgiving! and today, I got Melonie and I have no idea what it means...except that I'm to pick out 5 people to tag them, and you were one of them :-)

blessing! lylah

Vicki said...

this was so cool to read! Thanks for sharing! Way to go Ethan!!!