Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conversations with Noah

Today was picture day for the kids at school. I had gotten this sweater for Cole awhile ago, but this is the first time he's worn it. Noah and I had this conversation about the sweater.

Noah: Cole's sweater looks like Joseph's coat of many colors

Mom: Yeah, I guess it kind of does. You're not going to throw him in a pit and sell him into slavery just because I bought him a crazy colored sweater, are you?

Noah: . . . (thinking) . . I don't think I really know anyone who would buy him as a slave . . . .


newt22z said...

oh, that Noah, he's a funny guy! Hope everything is groovy with the Millers!

the millers said...

adam... good to hear from sunny so. cal... hows school going for you? still workin at costco? still hitting the beach once a day?... talk to you soon...

P-D's said...

I would DEFINATELY buy him, but not use him as a slave!!!

Anonymous said...

slave or not, that sweater is super cute. the kids too! Gwen, you need to post your quote about the teeth and the school pictures- some other mom might need to use that!!

the millers said...

So funny! I did actually have that conversation with my kids yesterday morning. I made them give me a "practice smile," and I reminded them that their goal is NOT to make sure that every tooth in their mouth can be seen! We'll see how they turn out . . . "retake day" has been our friend on more than one occasion :-)