Sunday, September 23, 2007

Conversations with Abby

Abby: Hey Mom, you know the Jesus song with the red, yellow, black and white . . . what are those colors all about?

Mom: Those are referring to the colors of people's skin.

Abby: Oh . . . . which one am I?

Mom: You are white.

Abby: Oh . . . . (confused look) . . . I thought I was peach.


Anonymous said...

I had the same conversation with Evan when he was 4 years old. He kept talking about his brown friend and asked why we were not brown too. I told him because God made us peachy instead. He was very disappointed and said he didn't want to be peachy he wanted to be watermelon. Kids are great... Lila told me last week that I needed to delete my nails because they scratch her when I wash her hair. A technology generation for sure.

Dana said...

Peach, huh? I guess that is pretty accurate. Smart girl! =)