Monday, August 6, 2007

golden memories...

i have always loved this shot... a great action photo taken by me, over my shoulder... a blind shot... one in a million... this was taken at high speed, high altitude with no way to turn around and see them... i just held the camera up and snapped a photo over my shoulder, hoping for something... and wah-la!!! this is the photo i got...we were at disneyland for the 50th anniversary so everything was gold... the astro orbiters were painted gold, dumbo was painted gold, the castle was painted with gold, my mickey ears were gold, everything... and our memories are etched in golden hue in our minds...

abby and gwen were also lucky enough to ride the one gold dumbo (only one was painted out of all the dumbos on the ride) (one of abby's highlights)

please feel free to share with us any GOLDEN memories... we are friends... we would love to hear from you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great shots!!! Even though I didn't get to go with you on that trip, I have "golden memories" of my trip this year with you guys!!!