Tuesday, August 7, 2007

dont i look cool...?

if you were to ask ethan... this would be considered a TRIAL... he hates the dentist... now that doesnt mean he hates dr. stevens... quite the contrary...he likes him... he just doesnt approve of his profession... now this is also difficult in that his grandpa from north dakota ... is a dentist... and ethan loves his grandpa... so...i try to tell him that he is going to the dentist for his own good... that it doesnt hurt and there is no reason to be afraid... but my logic is illogical to my 8 year old son... today though, i, his dad would consider this trip a TRIUMPH... why?... because ethan for the first time successfully had x-rays taken... he finished the cleaning without throwing a fit and he let the hygienist put on fluoride for the first time completely... these constitute an extremely successful trip in my mind...

sometimes small triumphs tower over the trials of every day life...

no cavities either...

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