Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Day

The first day of school is always so exciting! It was so odd, though, just taking Abby to school today. She was totally fine with it. She is an amazing trooper, I think - always just taking in stride whatever life throws her way, never freaking out about anything ... definitely takes after her dad (for which I am very thankful)!

2nd grade here she comes! New outfit (from Costco, of course), new backpack (I mean messenger bag ... gotta be cool), and new lunch box. Isn't she so cute?!?

Abby and her new teacher, Ms. Hebert. The teachers all stand out on the front porch of the school on the first day to greet their students. We took the opportunity to get this sweet photo. Isn't she so cute?!?! Noah and Ethan gave hugs and talked to their old teachers ... and explained to them all why they weren't in school :-)

Abby in the community room waiting for community time to start. Every student in the school gathers together for 10 minutes every morning for announcements, birthdays, lunch menu, etc. Isn't she so cute?!?!?!!!

Our homeschooling curriculum still hasn't arrived. We were originally told we would get all of the materials 2 to 3 weeks before school started. Now we've been told they will arrive on the first day of school or before. Nice, huh? Really gets me into my "freaking out" mode because I wanted to have time to look over everything and get organized before their official first day (September 8th). Guess I better take some lessons from Abby on handling whatever rolls my way :-)

Since we don't have any books yet, we took today to get a bit organized with what we could do. So the boys read the introductions to all of their courses (which we could do online), labeled all of their folders, made an art portfolio, and each drew a self-portrait. Plus they practiced their music (piano & guitar for Noah, drums for Ethan) and their typing.

Aren't they so cute?!?! I mean handsome ... or cool ...

All in all, a great first day for everyone!


The Aldridge's said...

Aren't they all so cute!!

Sounds like a very nice day!


Dana said...

yes, abby is stinkin' cute! that must have beecweird bringing her without the boys going too- I can imagine. looks like you are going to be a pro at homeschooling- now i am just going to need to follow in your footsteps. kinda fun we are starting out together!

Angelina said...

So are you homeschooling everyone? Did just abby get to go to school? Ours start next tuesday! Yea-hoo!

the millers said...

pat and cheryl... yah, they are cute

mark and candace... its all gwen, she is the BEST... and if you have any questions... she is the one to ask

angie... kinda a weird situation in the dupont area... noah and ethan are being homeschooled because there is no 4th or 5th grade in our town and they would have had to be bussed to stelicoom 45 mins each way... not doing that

abby is still at cloe clark, the elementary school here in town... and cole, well, he is four...

tuesday will come quickly... :)