Saturday, January 26, 2008

Poor Daddy

This is Mark. He is helping me out by keeping an eye on Cole in one bath tub while I'm giving Abby a bath in the other. Now, lest you think that he is sleeping on the job . . . well, he is actually sleeping on the job . . . but lest you think he's being lazy . . . we had dinner with some friends at their home last night and didn't get home until 10:00, then Mark was up at 3:00 am to go to work. After a long day at work, immediately when he got home he took Noah, Ethan and Cole to our local Cabela's because Seattle Seahawk Josh Brown was there signing autographs. . . he stood in line with all three boys for an hour-and-a-half only to not get an autograph because it was time for Josh to leave before they got to the front of the line. When they got home from that, he played a game of Mario Party 8 on the Wii with Abby, Cole and me, then went to pick us up some dinner from a local restaurant, and then, well, you can see what happened next. Poor daddy! He works hard for us and plays hard with us, and we love and appreciate him for it all!


Dana said...

no wonder my mark thinks he's so awesome. that was a really sweet post!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite the day! What a good daddy though :) It's an absolute blessing to have a dad like that in the family (we have one of those over here too :) )...I think sleeping on the job was okay, just this once, haha.

The Aldridge's said...

What a great example of ... biting off more than you can chew. :-) Seriously, Mark you are an example of what dad's should aspire to be. Good job my man!


P-D's said...

Guess that might explain why he has not been commenting on my blog!!! Miss the wise cracking comments though...hope the nap was good!