Monday, January 7, 2008

new year, new paint, new era...

i don't know if any of you will remember the whole playroom/ guest room idea that we had... we were going to use the rarely used guest room as a playroom also... maximizing the space in our house and alleviating toy clutter in the kids rooms... well ... for us this idea never really took off... all it ended up doing is making one more room to clean and organize before bed...

so we decided to scrap that... and this is what we did...

gwen and i spent a lot of time cleaning and prepping the room for paint...

then we taped and painted...

and painted...
and painted...
and this was the outcome...

noahs first room by himself in over 7 years... SEAHAWK green, blue and gray... from the Home Depot... i had seen the commercial for authentic NFL colors and i knew we had to do this...

so the playroom is no more and the painting is done....

noah is extremely happy....

and gwen and i are tired...

let us know what you think...

and if you find any SEAHAWK stuff around the house and you want to unload it on noah... he has the room and will take it with a smile...


The Fears said...

Noah, your Dad and Mom rock. Your room is the BOMB!!!!!(can i say that ?)

The Aldridge's said...

The good news is when the Packers beat the Seahawks this weekend you will only have to paint the bottom half of the room yellow. JUST KIDDING! :-) The room does look cool. Enjoy it Noah!!

brase yourself said...

LOVE IT!!! Great work. I am a bit...jealous to be honest. JB

Anonymous said...

You guys did an AMAZING job! What a lucky kid :) Even if they weren't team colors they'd look great together! Did working at Country Club help in the painting dept.? haha

the millers said...

Rachel - so funny!! When Noah was commenting on my painting skills, Mark told him, "well, you know, your mom used to be a professional painter!" ha ha! Noah was impressed . . . until I told him the true story about how I did used to paint a lot . . . but I also cleaned a lot of toilets! :-)

P-D's said...

Looks so good! Can't wait to see it in person! How about Ethan and Cole's room? Can't wait to see it too!

Auntie Holly

Mike said...

Sweet!! I'll send him a framed picture of me wearing my Hasselbeck jersy! :-)

Dana said...

its as good as home extreme makeover! Noah is one lucky guy- what a cool boy room.

The Pace Posse said...

That room looks fantastic. My son would love it as he's a huge Seahawks fan. In fact - you may have just inspired me as his room could use an update!
