Thursday, October 16, 2008

ringo starr... "who is that?"...

last night ethan got an early Christmas (birthday, easter, fourth of july, next years Christmas, the following birthday, (you get the picture)) present... his very own drum kit...
ethan has been taking lessons from a good friend of ours for a couple of months (since july)now and it was finally time for him to retire the hymnal, chair back and drum pad for his own set...

we took steve along to make sure the set we were purchasing wasn't "junk" and we were pleasantly surprised at the kit we found...

ethan is now "giving " lessons to whomever is interested... i guess its kinda a 'pay it forward' philosophy...

mom's getting good...

back to the title... i said to ethan a few minutes ago "hey ringo starr, play me a little something"... and he had NO CLUE as to who i was talking about... so sad... so along with practice ethan will be learning about drummers of historical significance...

tell us who your favorites are...


The Owens said...

Jake's Vote -- Rick Allen -- he only has 1 of something that makes his talent incredible. Renee's vote -- Keith Moon. Now can't vouch for lyrics but as for straight talent here are the 2 votes from the Owens fam. And we'll just pretend we're not as old as we really are when the younger kids have NO clue who we are talking about in different areas. Jake quoted something from Ferris Bueller and this guy at work said "Dude I wasn't even born when that movie was out!" The HORROR!

grandma & grandpa from North Dakota said...

Way to go, Ethan! Did you know that your Uncle Greg was a drummer? But he didn't have his own drum set like you do -- you're one lucky kid! Keep up the good work -- we enjoyed your song!
Love you, Gr, Gr & Ginger

Miller's Rock! said...

Stewart Copland!

Mariner Tim said...

Larry Mullen Jr.--altering the shape of Bono's spine for nearly 30years--and with the same haircut!!

Matt Cameron-Pearl Jam, Soundgarden

Meg White-White Stripes

Keith Moon-the Who-already mentioned--but truly an amazing drummer!!

Bun E. Carlos--Cheap Trick-best drummer name ever!!

Last but not least--Ringo Starkey(Starr)--I put some Beatles on our blog earlier today--take a listen E.P. I have some Beatles cd's you could borrow/burn if you want.
Love-Uncle Tim

The Owens said...

Hey a kid (well grown man with a family now) from the hight school group I used to work with has a website with some videos of drumming lessons. He is a Christian and pretty talented musician. Not sure if any of it would interest Ethan but he does has a session with Stick Tricks :)

Mariner Tim said...

2 more great drummers I forgot-

Neal Peart-Rush-coolest drum solo ever on a song called YYZ!

John 'Bonzo' Bonham--Led Zeppelin

Dana said...

I love the drums- the best instrument hands down. Way to choose the coolest E.P.! I hope Zane follows in your footsteps someday.