Monday, October 13, 2008

spooner farm... corn maze and pumpkin shoot...

on saturday after the football game we headed to spooner farm out in puyallup,wa... they are a well known farm for many reasons, including their corn mazes...

this years theme was the chronicles of narnia... so we were all very excited about trying it...

ethan and cole pose at the lamp post... right at the beginning of the maze... the snow spray on the ground and the corn stalks made it seem so realistic...

abby and elizabeth pose next to lucy...
cole was very excited to see aslan... he really loves the movie and had a great time in the maze...
the maze took us about 1hr 15 mins... but was worth every minute...
and because we found all six checkpoints we received the prize... rock-candy-on-a-stick...

the kids pose next to the giant spider made of hay bails and pvc pipe... very cute (colton, noah, ethan, cole, matt, biz, and abby)

we then tried our hands at pumpkin launching... this was fun... the kids loved it and their loved it too... i hit the target and we won a pumpkin of our choosing... we took the biggest(of course)... and i needed help from my good buddy wes loading it up... our wives laughed so hard at our struggling... all and all a great afternoon... thanks spooner farms...

me and my honey...


grandma & grandpa from North Dakota said...

looks like a lot of fun! Glad you told us it wasn't "real" snow!!
love to you all, Gr, Gr & Ginger

P-D's said...

Looks like you all had a great time! Dad told me about it when I dropped off mom Sunday after Women of Faith and I drove by your house to take a look! NICE!!!

The Aldridge's said...

What a fun day!


The Pace Posse said...

That looks like such a fun place! The fake snow looks very realistic. I couldn't figure out how you had got snow up there and I hadn't heard it on the news...

Anonymous said...

That looks like a hoot! Are you going to carve your pumpkin?

sarah said...

Love the big Pumpkin! Way to go hitting the Target!

Rachel said...

That looks like a lot of fun! I love the picture of you and Gwen...Abby is looking at you so adoringly :)