Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Swimming Lessons!

It's that time of the year again ... time for swimming lessons! And this year Cole gets to go, too!
Last year Noah, Ethan and Abby all took lessons at a private athletic club in Tumwater. This year they are taking lessons through Lacey Parks & Rec at River Ridge High School. Noah asked today why we are taking lessons at a different place this year. I told him there are two very good reasons: 1. It's closer (10 minute drive from our house instead of 25) and 2. It's cheaper (I paid less for all four kids this year than I did for three last year!) We all agreed those were very good reasons!

Cole is loving lessons and is more than willing to do everything his teacher asks him to do!

Abby is a little bit more unsure of the whole thing. She's gotten a ton better at just getting her whole head in the water this year as compared to last year, but she's still not crazy about the jumping in part. With a week and a half of lessons still to go, though, I know she's going to get it down and is going to be so proud of herself once she does!

Ethan has improved sooooo much since last year! His confidence just keeps building and he's more and more willing to try new things.

Here's Noah and his good friend Colton. Noah is already swimming pretty well, but is learning some new strokes and breathing techniques that are going to help him really improve what he already knows.


grandma & grandpa from North Dakota said...

Way to go, kids! I wish I was there to be in the water with you! I think I could use a few lessons. Keep up the good work and next time you come to Mott you'll be swimming from one end of the pool to the other!!

Love you and miss you!
Grandma and Grandpa

Curt Sell said...

Hey Mark and Gwen! Your kids are doing way better than I did. I spent my first lessons sitting on the side of the pool crying my eyes out! WAAAAAAH!!!

Mark, you wanted me to contact you through your blog, but I don't know how to other than leaving a comment. I thought I left a comment earlier, but I must've done something wrong. I'm usually the tech savvy one around here, but this one has me baffled. Age is setting in.

Hope all is well!!!! Curt

Dana said...

now you just need to bring the whole fam to our place for a week and swim all day every day!!!! sorry i am being selfish but we do want you to come visit AND the kids would be insane swimmers once you left....consider it =)

The Pace Posse said...

Totally off topic - but a birdy told me it's Gwen's birthday.

Happy Birthday Gwen! Hope your day was grand.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GWEN!! Sorry I didn't call/email yesterday, but I was thinking about you as I was driving to work at 5:30 am. I wanted to email you at least but am at my parents home and can't access your email address so its a blog birthday greeting =). you are an awesome friend and i love hanging out with you. only wished we lived a lot closer. hope your day and birthday week was/is special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!