Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Favorites

My friend Candace "tagged" us to do a list of favorite summer songs. I've given that challenge to Mark, since as I told Candace, the only new songs I've really gotten to listen to this summer are the songs on the kids' VBS CD :-)
Now ... a summer's favorite list that I can compile! Our summer's favorite food treats!

My two favorites of the summer have been Mrs. May's Almond Crunch (Val Brase turned me on to this stuff and I absolutely love it! And to make it even better, Costco carries it!) and Mango Salsa (fortunately, also carried by Costco!)

Mark and all four kids, however, are absolutely and completely addicted to Otter Pops this summer! Again, thankfully, we can get a nice, huge box from Costco! Mark calls them "liquid refreshment" because then I think he believes it doesn't count as sugar or dessert! I won't tell you exactly how many of these plastic tubes filled with flavored sugary liquid we've consumed this summer, but I will tell you that we are on our second Costco-size box!


Miller's Rock! said...

WOW! 2 boxes! I'm impressed. We still have some from last summer. Uncle Marker will be very disappointed :o)

Dana said...

hey, i like this post. you should post favorite costco products off and on! i would be super interested in hearing about them- always looking for good ideas esp with food.