Sunday, July 20, 2008

Power Lab

Our church's VBS program this year was Power Lab, where the kids got to learn all about the power of Jesus and do tons of fun games and experiments. (try the mento and diet coke experiment)

Ethan, Cole, Noah & Abby are ready for another night of fun.

Cole, Zach and Evie have fun in the dirt!

The Miller fam. Mark was a crew leader for the Powerful Protons and had Noah, Ethan and Abby in his group. I was a crew leader for the Squeaky Beakers and had Cole in my group.

We all had an amazing (and exhausting!) week ...

This next week begins two weeks of swimming lessons and then football practice begins for Noah & Ethan. The summer is going by way too quickly!!


Miller's Rock! said...

Too much fun! Our kids too had power lab and Lila couldn't get enough of the bubbles. Evan was a crew leader for a group of boys who ran him ragged. We have 2 campuses for our church so they had VBS 2 weeks in a row! All the middle school kids were crew leaders and were rewarded by going to Wild Waves for 7 hours. Tough job...

Lila's least favorite, "spit and dirt". How did your kids like the healing reenactment?

The Owens said...

It looks like you guys are having a blast! What a great church you must go to! That looks like an awesome VBS!!!

The Pace Posse said...

The summer is going too fast!
Enjoy it while we can... :)