Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Day to Remember

Abby has been waiting so long for this day to come. I think it probably seems to her like she's been waiting f-o-r-e-v-e-r. But today we finally made it to the new American Girl store in Seattle. We went with three of Abby's friends from church and their moms. It was such a special day. Abby was so thankful and so thrilled to be there, that it made me so thankful and so thrilled to take her there.

I know that American Girl dolls (and their endless amount of accessories) are a little on the expensive side, but I honestly just love the innocence and sweetness of these dolls. They are not "dolls" that look like girls pretending to be grown women. They are sweet dolls for sweet girls, and I will gladly support any interest of Abby's that encourages her to be a young, sweet, innocent girl.

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