Monday, October 26, 2009

october update...

this past weekend we did some fun, october-ish things... in no particular order... here they are... on sunday we made a trek to voodoo doughnuts in portland oregon... pictured is me with their famous bacon maple bar... yes it was as good as it looks...

the kids loved their choices also... ethan and noah went for size... abby and cole went for sprinkles... everybody had a good time...our friends from port orchard, the fears joined us for the trip... had a great time...

ethan, noah, myself, and friends chris, philip, miles and mike trekked out to the ocean for razor clamming... we went to ocean shores and clammed on the north beach... weather was crazy, but we had a great time and got alot of clams... a tradition we are starting to really love... (october 16th)

on saturday, after the football game (ill talk about that later) we went to port orchard to hang out with our friends the fears... we went to this neat little park where a replica train runs... it was so fun and the weather held up for us... a great evening with great friends...

gwen and martina enjoy a starbucks drink to take the chill off...
on friday we had our friends the brases over and had a great time which started with this incredible dip...Franks Hot Wing chicken dip courtesy of charity ... miles's wife and great friend of ours...
1 block soften cream cheese (8 oz)
1/2 cup blue cheese dressing(or ranch)
1/2 cup Franks Hot Wing Buffalo Sauce
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese(or crumbled blue cheese)
1 can of chicken(12.5 oz, drained from costco) or 2 cups cooked and diced chicken
soften the cream cheese... add the buffalo sauce, cheese, dressing and chicken... stir it all up... add the chicken and stir... bake at 350 for 30 minutes... itll come out bubbly hot and delish!!! we used staceys pita chips, celery and wheat thins to scoop up this warm to your toes treat!!!
the boys football team won this past weekend in the second round of the playoffs against the team they lost to in the first game of the season... it was so fun to see how our boys have improved this year!!! we won 19-13 and advanced to the game to play for 5th or 6th place overall( out of 12 teams this year in our league) so our last game is satuday, 1:30 at ingersoll stadium at olympia high school!!! come cheer us on to a strong finish!!! we are playing the capital cougars... should be a great game...

and last but not least by any means... andrew... we got to see him sunday, at his starbucks in portland... he made a mean tea for my journey home...


Dana said...

I LOVE this post- so fun to hear about all your treks!! more families should do fun, local stuff like that. and i am dyyyyying over the cool weather. wow. what is that like? i miss it!

P-D's said...

looks like a great weekend!