Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Little Bragging

So I had Cole's first ever parent-teacher conference this past week. And, I'll admit, prior to the year starting, I will a little bit nervous about how Cole would do in kindergarten. He's never been in any preschool or montessori before, and he's, well, kind of a talkative, busy little guy who really, really likes to have fun.

I've been volunteering in his class on Wednesday mornings, and he has seemed to be doing really well while I'm there, but I wasn't super confident he was doing as well when I wasn't around :-)

But, I had a really great conference with his teacher! She said he is doing really well academically (scored 105 out of 107 possible points to place him in the highest level reading group), and he is also just a really focused, settled student. Seriously?!?!? I mean, I knew he had the potential to do well academically, but focused??? Settled??? So amazing. I tried not to grin too much, but it was hard not to. I was one proud mama!


The Owens said...

That's awesome! Just another testament to what great parents you guys are!!!

Dana said...

yay!! so cool you voluteer in the class too. i love that he's full of life- but settled and focused is good too. haha especially at school. yup, you guys rock at parenting!!

sarah said...

So great! Sometimes it is really good to hear what others think and see in our kids-good or bad. Soo happy your baby is transitioning into kindergarten well!

P-D's said...

very cool...