Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pirate Day

Noah attended Pirate Day at Pioneer Middle School today. He rode his bike there with friends, and Mark & I met him there later. He saw tons of old friends and learned lots of new information. He is so excited to be back in school. Mark is calm, yet excited for him, too. I am ... I don't know what I am ... my mother's heart is filled with too many emotions to put into words. I can't believe my baby is old enough to be in middle school, and I feel like this is the beginning of starting to let him go. Yet, I am proud of the young man that he is becoming, and I'm excited to see how this new adventure will cause him to grow and mature. I am praying God's protection over him. I am praying he will make wise, God-honoring choices. I am praying he will show the love of Jesus and be bold in his faith. And... for Noah's sake, I am praying I don't cry on his first day of school.


the millers said...

love it... he will do great!!!

sarah said...

I love how you highlighted just him in the black and white picture-very cute!

The Spear Clan said...

Wow, middle school! You will have to keep us updated on how that goes! I will tell Maddie that Abby has Miss Durr. I didn't realize that you were putting her back in public school. How did you do the pic collages on your blog? That is a great way to save space!
Take care

the millers said...

Abby - we haven't taken Abby out of public school yet. Just homeschooling 4th and 5th (Saltars) years.

The pic collages are done through picasa. Just go to and get a FREE download of a really awesome program.