Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Jumpin' Jazz Cat

And now, for your listening pleasure, here's Noah playing Jumpin' Jazz Cat.

Mark mentioned in an earlier post, that one of our church's pastors and our dear friends, the Grants, will be moving away from us soon. Mrs. Grant has also been Noah's piano teacher for the past 2+ years. She also teaches Ethan and Abby. She is an amazing instructor and the kids (and I) will miss her dearly.

(You'll need to pause the music already playing on the blog (in the green box on the right) in order to hear Noah!)


Miller's Rock! said...

Noah, I am ridiculously proud of you! Great job tickling the ivories (that is the cheesiest thing to say and in my mind I did it with an old English man's accent-quite pompous and proper you know). And good grief, Noah and Ethan look more alike now than ever. Papa thought it was Ethan playing!

The Aldridge's said...

Great job Noah!!!

the millers said...

Jen - that is so funny! Someone else just commented recently on how much Noah & Ethan look alike! I think because their personalities are SO different, I've never thought they looked anything alike :-) Must be like Mark and Tim . . . the older they get, the more they look alike :-)

The Fears said...


Mariner Tim said...

What a cool cat you are Noah Mark...

P-D's said...

Great job Noah! You are already doing so much better than I ever did in piano!!!! Keep it up, you will be glad you did when you get older!
Auntie Holly

Grant Gang said...

Noah I finally got around to listening to your Jumpin' Jazz Cat piece, on your blog spot, I'm lucky to get a personal performance each week;) nice job!! Your progress in piano has been so fun to see. I'll really really miss teaching you [Ethan and Abby too] when we move. I felt like I had accomplished what I set out to do in teaching when I watched you; learn the music, enjoy the music, share the music, well done Noah! You are a talented young man, I look forward to more of your performances in the future.

luv, Mrs. Grant