Thursday, March 27, 2008

Allison Wonderland...

tonight was abby's turn to pick the movie... she picked alice in wonderland... it was delightful... gwen and i started talking after the movie and realized that neither one of us had ever seen it before... so tonight... our family enjoyed alice and wonderland for the first time... together... ALL 6 of us...

up until yesterday... abby thought the title of the movie was allison wonderland and that it was named after the little girl in the movie...although this is very cute from our little princess... mom had to set here straight... as to avoid any embarassment at school...

we also love this ride at disneyland... it is so fun and its a disney original... unchanged over the years... if youre there... dont miss it, its tucked away by the teacups...enjoy


Anonymous said...

This was one of Lila's "fixation" movies when she was 4yrs. old. It was all she would want to watch EVERY SINGLE DAY for about a month and then she slowly weaned herself off. Should have called us, we could have reenacted the entire movie for you! A-E-I-O-U...U-O-I-E-A.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, we're painting the roses red!

Dana said...

how fun! especially cool that you all saw it for the first time. i doubt mark has seen it yet either. a classic...and your picture makes me want to be at dland!!!

The Aldridge's said...

Cute post. Didn't really get the title until I read the entire post. Wish the twins could sit through a full length movies.