She talks to her friends at school about her Jesus. Her goal for 2010 was to know God more, by reading her Bible and praying more.
Earlier this week, I found a note from Abby on my pillow when I went to get into bed. It said:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Come in my room. I might be asleep but please write somewhere the answers to the questions I wrote on my white board.
When I went into her room, this is what she had written on her board:
1. How often do you see homeless people?
2. Could I save money to buy Bibles for homeless people, so I can give them to them and tell them, "Read these stories. They are true."
3. Will you help me save money to buy the Bibles?
See, I told you she was amazing.
I've told her that I think we should save money as a family to buy Bibles, and then pass them out along with some sandwiches, in downtown Oly or Tacoma. Any of you locals want to join us?
this totally made me cry! love it, love her heart!!
Abby, you go, girl! We'll join you! You are an inspiration to me, and you are spurring me on to something I've been thinking about doing but haven't done yet. "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news!" Romans 10:15
Abby, i LOVE your heart. i was thinking about you in the middle of the night and praying for you and this vision that God has given you. if there is any way our family can join you guys down here in AZ let us know. we would love to!
Gwen- just a couple of days ago i read this article on a blog that i have not been able to stop thinking about. reminds me of Abby. you should read it! i remember thinking that i need to work on this area with my kids- sounds like you guys & God have been doing that with Abby. even tho we're not going to homeschool, and this mom did, there is a lot to take away from it! i sent it to val too.
have you guys read anything from Shane Claiborne? he's the modern day Mother Theresa. irresistible revolution is awesome!
we'll join you!!
P.S. We love Abby!!
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