Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Pirate Pride

We received the following letter from Noah's school last week:

To the Parent/Guardian of Noah Miller,

It is with great pleasure that I announce that your child is receiving a medallion as an Outstanding Student at Pioneer Middle School. He/she will be recognized at our Pirate Pride Assembly. Each student was selected by his/her teachers on the basis of Academic Excellence, Improvement, Leadership and/or Citizenship.

Today was the day of the assembly, and we were SO proud to see Noah receive his award. He was selected by his Language Arts/Social Studies teacher, Ms. Nixon. She is probably Noah's favorite teacher, so it was nice to see that the feeling is mutual :-) The awards were given with the entire 6th grade in attendance, so it was great for the kids to be recognized in front of their peers.

While Noah has always done very well academically in school, we have always stressed that more important than a grade on a piece of paper, is the character that is being developed. So we were thrilled for Noah to be recognized today for his positive attitude and leadership skills - two great character traits that he definitely possesses!

We love you, Noah, and are so very proud of you!


Dana said...

congrats Noah!! i can just imagine how proud you guys must be! what a testimony to Christ in his life too- and the light he shines in his school! awesome.

P-D's said...

Congrats Noah! I am proud of you!

Auntie Holly