Wednesday, June 3, 2009

DuPont Historical Museum Field Trip


Dana said...

okay, forgive me for laughing when i saw that Dupont has a historical museum. i always think of dupont as a young community :) and well, i guess its not. hope Abby had fun! love the pizza pics- makes me hungry and wishing we could come over on Friday night sometime!!

the millers said...

Well, Candace, DuPont is kind of a two-part community! "Old DuPont" as its called, is not at all new :-) It was a thriving little community (with its own high school and all - something we don't have now!), sort of died away, and then was revitalized when Weyerhauser (Quadrant) bought all of the land and started "New DuPont"/Northwest Landing. The town's history is actually quite interesting. I love the historic village of DuPont - so much more character than NW Landing! But no houses big enough to fit our family!

perezfamily said...

Hi Miller's

Gwen, thanks for the email. I'm not sure what was up with Alex in that picture. Sun in his eyes? Irritable? Being a tough guy? Any way you look at it it's pretty funny. You guys are doing a great job on your blog!