Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something other than Disney?

Believe it or not, we actually have had a few things other than Disney on our minds lately!

A few recent fun events...

We enjoyed the Alice in Wonderland performance at Olympia High School last weekened with our good friends the Fears. It's becoming an annual tradition! Last year we saw Cinderella, and the year before we took in Beauty and the Beast (my personal favorite so far).

BFF Biz and Abby (with Sophie and Molly)

BFF Matt and Cole (are you supposed to say BFF for boys??) Mark's not home to tell me if that's cool or not... my sneaking suspicion is that it's not... but they're only 5 so it's probably ok for now, right?!?

Here's Abby all ready for Dr. Seuss's birthday celebration at school with her pajamas, stuffed animal Ruby, and Dr. Seuss's If I Ran a Zoo book. The boys convinced me that, even though they are homeschooled this year, they should get to enjoy pajama day also. I agreed ... for this ONE day only!

And everyone's favorite Awana night ... crazy hair night! And, yes, Mark will be finishing Ethan's hair cut when they get home tonight!

Can't have crazy hair without a crazy face!


Miller's Rock! said...

Hooray for the faux hawk!!!
Good job Noah!

Anonymous said...

BFF is totally cool for dudes! At least in my opinion...then again nobody listens to me.

The Owens said...

Loved crazy hair day! And I vote for more than 1 PJ day in a school year :) I was also laughing that you wanted to ask Mark if it was "cool" or not to say BFF - I am always asking Jake if something is "cool" or not! Too funny! As much as your Disny pics make us want to take Jacob when he's bigger we do enjoy the current photos too :)