Thursday, May 22, 2008

Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

The kids all had a fantastic year at Awana this year. They all memorized tons of verses (and, consequently, so did I!) and are learning the many joys of hiding God's Word in their hearts.

Noah finished his second TNT book and so he earned The Excellence Award.

Ethan finished his first TNT book.

Abby finished her 2nd Sparks book and also earned her Review Patch, which means that she did the entire book twice plus an additional seven verses.

Cole completed his first year of Cubbies and his first book.

We are so proud of all of our clubbers!

Mark also received his 1-year pin for serving in TNT this year, and I received mine for serving in Cubbies. We both hope to be able to help out again next year. Mark, Noah and Ethan will again miss the first couple of months due to football practices. I am hoping to be able to manage it as we have recently decided to homeschool Noah and Ethan next year. Long story for another post, but it's been days, weeks, and months filled with prayer and seeking counsel, and struggling to make the best decision for our family. More on that later . . .


P-D's said...

Congratulations to you ALL!!! Great job!!!
Wow! Homeschooling...what a HUGE job!
You will be in my prayers!

The Aldridge's said...

CONGRATS! What a great accomplishment.

I am looking forward to the home schooling post and what was behind that decision.

Have a great weekend!

Mike said...

Where is the picture of you and Mark with your pins?

Great Job Miller Family! That's great!

Dana said...

You guys make me wish our church had awanas. such a neat program- way to go on all the awards!

I, too, am looking forward to reading your next blog!! How exciting for this new adventure!

Rachel said...

Way to go Miller kiddos!!! Our year ended not too long ago..The kids are always sad. AWANA is the best!