Thursday, October 11, 2007

Crazy Hats

This week was crazy hat night at Awana, and the kids were more than happy to do their part to make it a super fun night. These hats were courtesy of Auntie Holly . . . . thanks Holly!! As a Cubbies leader, I wore an enormous sombrero hat. Seemed like a good idea until it kept hitting the door frame every time I tried to go through a door :-) Noah and Mark haven't been able to join us for Awana yet this year because of football practice. A difficult decision to make. But they will both be joining us in a few weeks, Noah as a second-year TNTer and Mark as a TNT leader. We can't wait to have them join us for the fun!

1 comment:

P-D's said...

You guys look GREAT!!!! Glad those hats came in handy for something!!!